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  • Writer's pictureSenza Nume

Family Holiday Fun

Bake Cookies

Make a snowflake ceiling in one room of your house by folding a piece of paper in half, outlining your design, cutting it out and attaching a string of various lengths. If you're up for it add silver glitter and when the sun shines into the room the snow glistens :)

Create a fun holiday themed photo shoot

Explore your neighborhood for the best Christmas lights

Christmas Caroling (Virtual or in person subject to weather)

Visit local light shows to see the lights and storefront decorations in your city, many shows are even choreographed to music! So much fun!

Many train lines offer holiday themed 'Polar Express' rides with Santa

Make hot chocolate

Have a holiday movie marathon

My personal top 5:

-The Grinch Who Stole Christmas


-A Christmas Story

-Home Alone

-A Charlie Brown Christmas

Make a gratitude board with pics/reminders of all that you are grateful for over the past year.

Make a vision board with pics/reminders of your goals and expectations for the new year to come.

What are some of your favorite things to do during the holiday season? Share them in the comments below!

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