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They always want more... what can you give when you've given it all...

I don't have the time or energy for this. I don't want to continue to write about this. I ignore it 90% of the time and only feel compelled to write about it when I can sense the intentional targeted and premeditated nature of the situation.

Today I was intentionally set up again. While driving down the street a stranger jumped out of their car, spit at me, and attempted to remove me from the driver seat. When he couldn't get the door open the passenger jumped out and attempted the same. I was on my way to finish Christmas shopping for my children and drop off a sandwich to my youngest daughter.

I have been honest, transparent, and consistent in my work. I don't even attempt to make friends or socialize anymore because the hell that reigns down each time I do is not worth the effort, this is the intentional isolation intended to disarm the victim and immobilize them in a state of fear. Had this been an isolated occurrence I don't think I would have been as affected however this is not an isolated occurrence and I have been tracking and documenting since this erupted in 2019.

People don't just jump out of their cars and attack others for no reason.

Who is instigating this, who is bribing these people to attack and why?!

More importantly how do I make it stop when all traditional methods of intervention have been made with no relief of circumstances?

If you haven't been keeping up with the obstruction of justice I have been dealing with for the past multiple years please feel free to familiarize yourself by reading my early blog posts and reviewing the live section/captions of my posts.

This is not a publicity stunt, I am not making a movie, nor did I agree to participate in any kind of studies or simulations.

I have been filing police reports and petitions regarding this issue on my behalf as well as the behalf of my friends and family members who have been subjected to the lies, extortion, manipulation, hacking, stalking, kidnapping, and numerous other issues, including more predatory and violent victimizations.

Just because you put someone back where you found them doesn't mean you didn't take them in the first place.

The world is not this way. The people do not naturally desire destruction or violence. These are instigated attacks. Premeditated and carefully thought out. I am unsure of how these events are capable of continuing given the nature and severity. I don't have the cash to move away and my children and family are all here. I have obtained 8 different jobs since that time in 2019 and been stalked as early as 2 days in at my new places of employment. How would these people know where I work when i'm taking positions in areas I have never lived or been in prior to becoming employed there? When this happens I am unable to concentrate or focus on anything. I begin to hyperventilate and walk out. Other times I am terminated after a few days with no explanation or follow up of any kind. Prior to 2019 I worked my entire life since age 15.

I am a single mother of three children who have also been severely affected by these intentional attempts at entrapment and exploitation.

Please see my instagram pages:

IG: mercifulstormdotcom

IG: hlgforever_

IG: 1heathergee (First Personal Blog -was locked less than 24 hours after publishing the blog post,

In addition to the above three pages, I also have a professional modeling portfolio page on instagram with direct links to my model mayhem portfolio 'GoProSolo'

IG: coco.chanelle.ysl

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2 Kommentare

31. März 2023

You're not a model, why are you telling everyone you're doing photoshoots? It's literally you in a cheap ass stolen outfit and ugly makeup thinking youre a 'model'. Girl, you're living on the streets. Not even your kids wanna be around you. You're such an embarrassing crack head

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25. März 2022

You did not have a car on March 16th. The car you were lent was already taken back.

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