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  • Writer's pictureSenza Nume

Please let me live <3 HLG

I don't want anyone getting hurt, I just don't want to be further slandered, ignored, harassed, and made out to be something I am not.

I loved this man and lost myself in the process... I reached out for help every step of the way, every way imaginable. I followed all of the normal routes for reporting the abuse and getting intervention and was subsequently ignored, called crazy, thrown into a psych ward, separated from my children and family. I have too many police reports to count, I have been beaten, raped, stabbed, had my head split open, and called a rat in my hometown as well as other states.

I have filed numerous petitions and requests for OP along with overwhelming evidence and proof.

I have nothing left to offer this situation. Please let me live.

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Jan 29, 2022

if it’s true your not being slandeted. Your smoking duster, abusing Aderall, abusing the 911 system and the police. You refuse to admit you have a problem and blame they. Yet their is no they. Your Land lord is at its wits end dealing with you. . You were helped by Eric greatly he lent you a car and paid your rent. Your sense ofc entitlement is off the chart. Eventually your going to be arrested. You constantly Harr the police and the FBI with your delusions . Get help


Jan 29, 2022

Jan 29, 2022
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Jan 28, 2022

Jun 05
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Ffs. But the things people say to her or about her nonstop are ok for her kids to see? I know you don't say that to them. Stop gaslighting the girl. You couldn't care less if she gets help. My money is more on you want her to hurt or you wouldn't say this dumb shit.

She didn't say anything wrong for a personal blog.


Jan 28, 2022

Crystal Gayle Summers
Crystal Gayle Summers
Jan 28, 2022
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Imma have nightmares about this one 🤢🤢


Jan 28, 2022

You are mentally ill. You need professional help. Your oldest “children” are in high school., and the fact is, obviously they are staying away from you, by choice. Because, you are fucking embarrassing!!! You are not a teenager, you are not an adolescent, you are a fully grown adult, in her mid-thirties. Straight up, you are spiraling. Every. Time. You. Post. It’s. Worse. For. You. You don’t come across as anything other than manic, disorganized, paranoid and unstable. You have been documenting all of it. You can’t escape it. No legal professional, responsible for making decisions related to you, is going to see this situation any other way. You may not see it, but everyone else around you, does. Ope…

Jun 05
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Btw Heather, if you read this- I know you want the baby back asap. I know. But they are not fucking around. They want to see an extended period of stability and they will move to tpr before they budge on what I'm saying.

If you go to treatment, that's a surefire way to let them know that you are serious. That you'll do anything. And they will still help you find housing again after. Usually people in treatment get pushed to the line for help with everything, bc ppl see that you really care. Especially if it's willingly and not forced. And then they advocate for you. For anything you need.

Just a thought. Let that seed i a…

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