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  • Writer's pictureSenza Nume

To the angels that keep me safe

I don’t have a name for you only a vibe

a vibe so high

no word can describe

at Times I feel lost

then you are there

risking yourself

letting me know that you care

they took away my money

drugged and raped me in my sleep

but can you prove it

was it Jekyll was it Hyde

I’ve surrendered to the darkness

loved the lions and wolves

impossible to forget

things deeper than they look

what is scary to you

is now just a baby for me

I am cursed with this heart

that is too blind to see

things that seem obvious

have never been clear

i search with intention

to find something good

everyone has something

you just have to look

I am protected by hero’s

who never ask for praise

I am eternally grateful

every single day

im sorry to the cops who I blamed for not understanding

I am sorry for the judgment and misunderstanding

I did my best work and I know you did yours

you saved my life

when you closed those doors

the doors to hell

where I danced in the staircase

but then I fell



scared of the unknown

serving my master

I am not your play thing

I am not here for your sexual amusement

I am victorious over the objective



fearful of retaliation

fear is not real

I am alive

now I can heal

you did it

you are my hero

Eternally Grateful

can we save the others?

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