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  • Writer's pictureSenza Nume

What I have been working through...

Heather Gillespie

November 28th, 2019 - Thanksgiving

I called the Chicago Police Department for help when my children and I heard noises outside of our bedroom window.

The police ignored me, called me erratic, and forced me to surrender physical custody of my three children to their fathers. I informed the police in person the same listed below that I told the parole office on December 3, 2019.

December 3rd, 2019

After months of attempting to handle the abuse on my own and after reaching out to every friend/ family member; even my employer for help, I saw no alternative choice and felt it was time to escalate the situation.

I made a call to the parole office for the state of IL and explained that my fiancé Dylan was currently out of control. No parole officers had been to our home to check on him since August (… which date specifically?), he was abusing drugs and alcohol and withholding my money and was preventing me from leaving my house.

He expressed on numerous occasions he was concerned for his own safety and even went as far as to installing cameras at the entrances to our home as well as in the bedroom.

I also found (… where exactly?) a proffer dated between 2015 - 2016 (… do you have a specific date?) time of his sentencing that included everyone signatures, included Dylon, his attorney, and the IL states’ attorney office.

People who knew him were accusing me of being a states witness (which I am not). I expressed my concern for my safety (Do the dates match those described above OR are they different?) to the state of IL parole officers, including the Chicago Police Department.

The agreement for Dylan to work with the state of IL as a CI (… define this acronym) is what led to my abuse (… this is an assertion but can you prove it?) and the reason (how?) the case would later be dismissed.

This would result in the displacement from my own home; leading to homelessness, unlawful imprisonment in a psychiatric ward for 7 days (federal violation I signed for 5 days - Can you include the specific statute here?), and distress and mental trauma (Can you include the name of the primary care or psychiatrist who has prescribed any medication to treat these specific ailments or can validate your statements?)

It also had a direct impact in the lives of my 3 children (all from previous relationships) who I have had custody of their entire lives, and to date have not seen since December 30, 2021.

December 3rd, 2019 Continued …

The parole officer transferred me to the supervisor in charge whereby I shared the aforementioned circumstances. He stated (Can you document this? Any signed paperwork confirming this statement?) there was nothing that could be done and my best bet would be to file an order of protection at 555 W Harrison (… can you include the FULL address?).

At this point I would inform the Chicago police on two separate occasions (… on 12/03/2019 or a different date and with which officers ? Do you have a copy of the police reports?), his parole officer (… maybe include his name and ID badge number?), as well as the supervisor (… do you have his or her name?) for parole in the state of IL all of whom decline to offer any assistance. Unfortunately I was not able to get to the court house before he could (…elaborate in one or two sentences this last point)

December 4, 2019

At approximately 7pm CDT, the Chicago Police Department or (“CPD”) entered my home with 4 officers where I was laying in my bed with my puppy Luna.

I was served with an emergency order of protection filled with erroneous allegations; specifically the aforementioned situation I described to the parole office the day prior but reversed naming (… what do you mean by this?) me as the abuser and stating I was abusing drugs (also erroneous and proved by a drug test given to me at the hospital - do you have a copy of the lab results?)

The CPD and Dylan stood over me where I laid with my puppy and told me I had 5 minutes to get what I could and get out.

Dylan had disabled my car and I was told to leave on foot. I quickly packed a bag and left with my puppy and three outfits, no money, and no transportation.

As I attempted to walk away, I told the officer (… do you have his name?) in charge that if I was killed due to countless threats made by people (… had you been threatened before or are you claiming you would be threatened?) who falsely believed I was working as an informant for the state of IL; then they would be liable for ignoring my pleas for help.

The officer took me against my will but not through physical force to the Illinois Masonic Hospital. He stated that because my ex (…Dylan?) alleged I was suicidal, they (… who is they?) would need for me to be evaluated. I insisted I was not suicidal and refused treatment but I was told I had no choice in this matter.

Upon arrival, the medical staff placed me inside a glass room and began to discuss my situation with the 4-5 Chicago police officers; making fun of me as I cried and begged for help, violating my HIPAA rights in the process and sharing my confidential information amongst each other. (… this is an assertion, can you prove their disorderly conduct? Can the 4 Chicago Police officers corroborate your statement?), including the Chicago Police officers, the security staff, as well as Dylan (the petitioner and person holding the emergency order of protection against me). (…I would include this last point at the very beginning when you were ask to vacate the premise of your home)

The Chicago Police officers shared my personal medical information with Dylan against my request.

After hours of no one explaining anything nor any visit or evaluation from a social worker, nor any doctor evaluation I was injected with a strong sedative and woke up 9 hours later in a facility called CBH Chicago Behavioral Health in Des Plaines, IL.

I have neither any recollection of being transported nor did I give permission or consent to being transferred.

The intake nurse told me I was being held involuntarily and that it was in my best interest to sign a 5 day release form which I completed upon my intake on 12-05-19.

Chicago Behavioral Health is a terrible place because their staff is untrained and they engage in unlawful abuse by forcing medications on patients, including myself which were not prescribed by a physician (…I attempted to shorten your run on sentence but is the allegation that you did not consent to the medication?)

I saw a doctor once in my entire 7 day stay for 3-5 minutes.

The physician performed no medical exams.

He did not collect a history, he spent almost no time with me.

The head nurse at the facility lied to me multiple times and attempted (…so she did not give you the medication?) to give me a medication called Haldol, which I do not take nor have any indication for. Even after I refused the medication, she proceeded to tell me she was giving me a vitamin and it was Haldol. I threatened a lawsuit and was left alone for the rest of my time however federal law prevents holding patients for longer than 5 days and I was held from 12-04-19 to 12-12-19.

[ So is the lawsuit based on wrongful detention, prescribing medication against your will, and the consequential distress that ensued following these traumatic events ? Additionally, Dylan was able to obtain a second OP while your was pending resulting in a possible violation due to a clerk error ? ]

I was discharged with NO diagnosis other than "relationship stress” (… is this not a diagnosis?) I am a survivor of PTSD and the experience made my PTSD reoccur. One example is when my father touched my shoulder and I jumped and screamed (… can you insert the date(s) ?) I still have issues with nightmares and flashbacks to my time in this facility with the CPD. This event has affected me tremendously and I have been living in isolation alone and scared since 12/03/19. It has prevented me from working and being able to take custody of my children.

I went live on Facebook begging for help because I was homeless and have been relying on the help from strangers, friends, and family for both food and shelter.


I attempted to file OP (… define the acronym) against Dylan Smith at 555 W Harrison (… complete the address).

I provided a video of him doing drugs while admitting to “… beating my ass…” to the judge (… which judge specifically ? What is his or her name ?) and Informed the judge that he was both on parole and working as a confidential informant for the state of IL.

The judge merged my case with the emergency order of protection issued to Dylan and said he would hear both sides on December 24 (… year?) when I was expected to appear as the respondent to the erroneous emergency OP Dylan obtained on (…which date ?).


I went to court, the petitioner did not show up, his emergency order was thrown away and I was given permission by the judge to return to my apartment at 2037 W Roscoe where I found Dylan using drugs and bringing multiple unsavory people into our home.

After having spent the previous 4 weeks homeless, I tried to deal with this dangerous situation at home until the court date for my Petition for OP; scheduled for January 14th (… 2020?), at 9am CDT.


I appeared at court, took photos of myself on the way because I suspected there would be some issues considering the state of IL seemed to be protecting Dylan based on his prior work with them and likely some case I have no further knowledge of (… strong assertion, unable to prove, remove or omit this line)

As expected, I arrived to court and my name was not on the docket.

I went to the clerks office at 555 W Harrison (… complete the address) and was told by a kind Indian woman (… did you obtain her name? She would able to validate your statement) working that my court date was changed. I signed in at the clerks office to prove I was present. She told me to call the following week to speak with the supervisor and I went back home.

When I arrived to my house, Dylan Smith locked me out. I went to a neighborhood Starbucks and waited for him to return. 45 minutes would pass until he called my mobile phone and said he had now opened the door. When I arrived at the house, the CPD was inside waiting to serve me with a 2nd erroneous short ordered petition for order of protection.

How is it possible Dylan Smith was able to obtain a second OP while mine was still pending?

My belongings were literally thrown into the sidewalk and I was told to leave again finding myself homeless and without any money or a place to stay.

I have been lodging place to place living out of duffel bags with no money. Dylan stayed in possession of my car and I was without transportation or clothing. I tried calling the clerk at 555 W Harrison (… complete the address) and spoke with Ms. Cunningham, Ms. Ratliff, at 11:54 am CDT on 01-22-2020. I also spoke with both Maria at the States’ Attorney office and Lourdes in the Judges’ Chambers; lastly leaving a voicemail for the honorable Dorothy Brown at 12:22 pm CDT on January 22nd, 2020.

No one could offer me any assistance on how to proceed, why my petition was rescheduled, or why Dylan Smith was able to obtain this erroneous order for the second time in two months. No one called me back. No one investigated the situation or offered any guidance much less assistance.

The only explanation I received was “… sorry, clerk error …”.

On February 4th, 2020; at 555 W Harrison (… complete the address) in Room 202 with Judge Sandoval, I again am the respondent. I arrived for court and was the second person to check in. Dylan Smith did not show up until 10:30 am CDT and upon his arrival, the case is called promptly, at which time he requested a continuance.

I explained to Judge Sandoval that Dylan Smith remained in possession of my money, clothes, car, and continued to be homeless since before Christmas. She did not seem to care and (… avoid this assertion) Judge Sandoval to my disappointment scheduled the trial for February 26th, 2020 at 9 am CDT. In the meantime I contacted multiple domestic abuse advocate groups seeking assistance and was told they could not support my case due to a high case volume and lack of resources. On 2-26-20, the case was dismissed for a second time due to the petitioner failing to appear in court yet again.

During this time, I had no access to my state ID, SSN card, clothes or vehicle.

After the order was thrown away on February 26th, 2020, I attempted to get my belongings from Dylan Smith (… where ? Which address ?)

On March 2nd, 2020; I was finally able to get my vehicle which was now three months behind on payments and damaged. Most of my belongings were stolen. My clothes, my children’s clothes, electronics, and toys are now missing. I was left with a couple of outfits, which were damaged and rummaged through.

During this time, all of our birth certificates, SSN cards, and my ID/DL were either misplaced or worse, stolen.

For the past several weeks, I have been meditating, learning about various therapeutic treatments to remedy my trauma, and working on both my physical and mental health. I am currently living in an Airbnb in Chicago, and I am unable to see my children in the absence of Facetime® on my iPhone. Everyday, my children ask me when am I coming back. My children need their mother and no one can love their children in the way a mother can love her children.

I created an Instagram® account with witnesses and interactions I have had along the way (… unsure I understand this sentence) The username is SenzaNume. I attempted to take a self-defense course sponsored by the Buffalo Grove Police Deparment only to run out in tears due it triggering my PTSD.

I kept detailed notes of every encounter I had since these episodes began and I have literally hundreds of people, recorded conversations with Comcast®, Tmobile®, CapitalOne®, and many other vendors regarding this situation (… explain why this is relevant in one sentence).

I also have copies of all of the paperwork from court as well as the CBH (… share the acronym) hospital.

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Mar 25, 2022

Girl, you said you've been dealing with this since 2015. Now your saying it's 2019 so it comes off to us that your life recently went to shit. In true reality, your life and you have always been shitty. You have no recent pics of your kids. No time spent with them other than a random holiday. You spend money when you have it on makeup and gym clothes. A mother who really cared would spend the little she had giving it to an attorney that can help. You go off on these rants about rape but have no proof, never went to the hospital to get a rape kit done. You are a fucking mess and no one…


Jenny Creaturo Reachy
Jenny Creaturo Reachy
Jan 28, 2022

I have been following your blog for about a month now but never have joined the actual app until tonight. Thank you for sharing your story with us! And im so sorry you are going through this and pray resolution comes fast. Nobody knows your reality better than you.

Jenny Creaturo Reachy
Jenny Creaturo Reachy
Jan 29, 2022
Replying to

Thank you! Well said


Lotte Rumba
Lotte Rumba
Jan 28, 2022

Heather, don't keep holding on to the past. The past is over and not changeable. Don't look back, look forward! Do things differently and let the past

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